Ehren is definitely the chef of the house.
Since we have had a major overrun of regular and yellow zucchini from the garden, he's taken to picking one and sauteing it for a snack. I the light the gas burner (they aren't allowed to turn on the stove), but really he does the rest.
The kids don't seem to care for my Tuscan Parmesan zucchini saute, so he struck out on his own. If you're dying for the recipe, he simply slices it up, sautes it in olive oil, and sprinkles it with creole seasoning.
After Ehren made zucchini a few times, Anna asked if she could make some too. She's good at cutting it up, but I had to supervise the rest.
Finally Christian {always the last to come around on a new idea} asked when he "would be old enough to cook zucchini." Totally funny way to ask since he's the same age as Ehren and older than Anna! He turned out to be a good zucchini chef too.