This month I'm joining one of my favorite blogs, Twinsomnia, for "Little Things That Make Me Stupid Excited." So here's my list of things that make me stupid excited.
* one *
microfiber cleaning clothes
Okay, cleaning is boring, but I bought this 10 pack of microfiber cleaning cloths from Bed, Bath and Beyond, and I love them because:
- You can wring them nearly dry with little effort, so they don't easily become mildewy.
- They are super absorbant -- way better than any paper towel that is used and sent promptly to a landfill {I know that's a little preachy, but it's true}.
- They are my favorite color (green).
- As the package says, they come in 3 shades so you can designate different colors for different tasks.
- These cost less than other ones I've seen.
- They are as good as new after machine washing.
* two *
The TV show "Parenthood"
Parenthood is already in it's second season, but I just love this show! You can see it Tuesday nights at 9 pm on NBC or online. Who doesn't love watching the trials and tribulations of a big imperfect, but loving family. Plus I love that they have a character with Asperger's (Max). I can relate to some of the challenges the parents face with Max.
* three*
Jack's Salsa
Jack's Special Medium Salsa is fresh and delicious. You find it in the refrigerator case, but it doesn't cost more than Pace Picante sauce. Lately it's been kind of tricky to find. I found it at one SuperTarget store, and there's a rumor that it's available at Super Walmart. The point is that if you find it, just try it! When I googled it, I found out that the critics agree with me about this salsa.
* four *
Garden Tomato and Basil Chips
Lay's Garden Tomato and Basil potato chips are yummy. They taste like someone put a bowl of tomato basil soup into a potato chip.
* five *
Verdi Olives
I don't know who discovered these and hooked up Costco, but Verdi Olives are so buttery, and they taste almost fresh if that's possible for a preserved food. I've never been to Italy, and I hated all olives until I was almost 30, so I'm by no means an expert, but I really, really like these. I hope you live by a Costco because I don't know any other place to find Verdi Olives.
I am just starting Parenthood Season 1 on DVD and I like it too! Hope all is well.
Ooh, I am HUNGRY after reading this list! And now I have a mission to find that salsa. You know, I think i need to start tivo'ing Parenthood - iI've heard really good things about it. Thanks for joining in this month - your list rocks!!! :-)
ReplyDeleteFound your blog from MVMOM. Love it! And I also LOVE Parenthood. The highlight of my Wednesday is watching the DVR of it. (For, with 3-month old twins, I cannot stay up until 9:00 to watch it!)
ReplyDeleteI found your blog through Twinsomnia's and liked your LTTMMSE post. Following now! :)
ReplyDeleteTracy, thanks for stopping by. Loved your profile and was totally laughing about the "napping by Jeopardy" part.
ReplyDeleteWelcome Jenner. So glad you to have you here! Read your profile and sounds like you've got your hands full. In the pet dept, I can barely keep my 5 {used to be 6} goldfish alive :-)