Saturday, June 18, 2011

This Guy

...does laundry.

... cooks Saturday breakfast.

... has been up early every Saturday and Sunday morning October to March during the last two years to coach two boys in hockey.

... has helped those boys become great skaters {who need to coach their mom now}.

... never underestimates our children.

... is the one-man family support team behind the scenes when I commit to one too many volunteer projects {like one I'm in the middle of at this moment}.

... is our family's master activity/trip planner {seriously, he is so organized.} We have lots more fun because of all the things he plans -- things I would never think of.


... finally planted the pumpkin and watermelon plants that I bought, um, three weeks ago {even though I kept saying I would get to it}.  Thanks, honey.  A lot.


Happy Father's Day to an amazing husband and father.  Thanks for everything you do.  I love you.