Horseback riding day! Gail was so kind to let us (Ehren, Christian, Anna, Bara and I) come out and go horseback riding at the ranch with Elsie and her. First the kids took turns being led around the yard. Then Gail and Elsie saddled up the other horses and we got to tour the ranch on horseback. Bara rode Chicka; Anna and I rode Stretch; Elsie rode her Paint, Willow; and Ehren and Christian rode Muffin (the mild-mannered pony who is 18? years old). Gail led Muffin and walked the whole way. We had a great time. Christian is a natural rider and really holds himself well on the horse. He seems in tune with most animals.
As for me, I've always said I would never ride Stretch after I saw Jim ride him as a barely broke 2-year old. However, I trust anything Gail says when it comes to horses, and she assigned me to ride Stretch, so I did. He is 10 years old now, and after riding him, I have decided he's my new favorite horse. I might even like him better than Skippy, Gail's cow horse that died after accidentally eating poisoned grain quite a few years ago. Stretch is tall and handsome, and he is a really good horse. As Elsie and Gail reminded me, his father was a race horse (a quarter horse, I think).
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